Remarkably, the largest inventory of historic netsheds throughout the Puget Sound is located here.  Today, 17 remain, with seven still in use by our Commercial Fleet of about 30 vessels.  Like the fishing vessels themselves, netsheds are an iconic reminder of Gig Harbor’s early Croatian immigrants who settled along the waterfront.

In most cases, the name of each netshed represents the family historically associated with the site. Seven are still in operation as working netsheds. 

2015 Netshed MAP update oct 2015.jpg

Most netsheds are best viewed from the water.  Numbers circled in red are easy to view from land (Harborview Drive).  Netsheds #2, and #3 can be seen from Eddon Boat Park.  Located next to the Old Ferry Landing at the Harborview Drive street-end, Netshed #17 includes spectacular views of the entrance to the Harbor.  Except for #6 and #13 (public parks) all netsheds are privately owned and not open to the general public.  

Gig Harbor's Working Waterfront in 1946  (photo courtesey of MOHAI)

Gig Harbor's Working Waterfront in 1946  (photo courtesey of MOHAI)

Videos aboard the Pacific Raider filmed by Nick Jerkovich III - Gig Harbor